Mothers' Union
All members share one heartfelt vision – to bring about a world where God’s love is shown through prayer and loving, respectful and flourishing relationships. They strive to share Christ’s love by encouraging, strengthening and supporting family life and work towards stopping poverty, inequality and injustice.

The Anglican Mothers’ Union of Australia is a Christian missionary agency affiliated with the worldwide Mothers’ Union, an organisation of over four million members in 84 countries. It was founded in 1876 in the south of England by Mary Sumner, the wife of a vicar who recognised the huge responsibility of rearing children and the need for support for young wives and their families.
All members share one heartfelt vision – to bring about a world where God’s love is shown through prayer and loving, respectful and flourishing relationships. They strive to share Christ’s love by encouraging, strengthening and supporting family life and work towards stopping poverty, inequality and injustice. Mothers’ Union has consultative status at the United Nations.
Prayer is at the heart of what Mothers’ Union does. Members commit to including prayer in their daily lives and maintaining a worldwide fellowship with a focus on prayers for their communities, fellow members and those in need.

The Algester Branch of AMUA meets on the third Wednesday of each month beginning with a Holy Communion Service. This is followed by morning tea and fellowship. After that there might be a meeting, a guest speaker or an activity of some kind. At other times our members knit blankets or beanies for the Seafarers’ Mission, knit teddies for Baptism candidates, give financial support to AMUA charities like the Toowong Women’s Shelter, Kids at Risk through Scripture Union, annual family holidays for families in need, “Fresh Start Baskets” of household products for those leaving a shelter and victims of emergencies like floods or fire. Members facilitate a retiring collection for Anglicare to help support their Rapid Response programme aimed at keeping children at home and avoiding out-of-home care. Another collection takes place in March for the Mothers’ Union Target Overseas project which, at the moment, is focussed on aiding and building resilience in Pacific nations. They collect items for the Zephyr Education Foundation and join other members of the parish to help run Mainly Music and Coffee and Chat for Aged Care Residents. They participate in the 16 Days of Activism against Gender–based Violence campaign. The list goes on!!
Algester is a busy branch and is always ready to welcome new members – men and women of all ages. You don’t have to be a mother and you don’t have to attend daytime meetings if you are working!! Mothers’ Union is an amazing organisation which continues to touch many lives and is always striving to respond to new challenges and discover new ways to serve the Lord

To find out more about MU Australia click here
All this day O Lord, let me touch as many lives as possible for thee; and every life I touch do thou by thy spirit quicken, whether through the word I speak, the prayer I breathe, or the life I live. Amen